Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Your Friendly Bureaucrat Coming to on YouTube

NextGov has a piece today saying YouTube and the Feds are near an agreement to permit Feds to post videos. The next step will be requiring all Federal bureaucrats to be personable and video-ready.

Should I start a pool on how long it will take for FSA to post its first video?


Anonymous said...

"The next step will be requiring all Federal bureaucrats to be personable and video-ready."

Dude, you kill me, that's funny.

I'll wager you 100 quatloos that FSA will try to post a video that:

1. can't be found
2. when found, after sitting on someone's desk for three months, it will be in an obscure unplayable format, like Aramaic, but stranger
3. will cost more to produce than "Water World"


Bill Harshaw said...

It's amazing sometimes the difference between what can be done by an individual acting alone and a bureaucracy acting as an elephant (that's maybe unfair to elephants).