Wednesday, August 25, 2021

No Appeal for American Rescue Plan Debt Payments

 While today just describes the preliminary injunctions, Politico reports that the administration let the deadline for appealing the (earliest?) injunction run out.  Apparently USDA will continue to participate in hearings on whether or not there should be a final injunction.  

Without absolutely no knowledge of such proceedings, I'd guess the judge(s) would be unlikely to change his mind. 

Apparently the concern was there was a weak case which, if lost on appeal, would set a bad precedent for future court proceedings.

I repeat, no knowledge, but it did seem to me that the rationale for the program was weak--in its essentials it was paying off loans for people based on a history of not giving loans to people.  The people with outstanding loans which would be forgiven were able to get past any past discriminatory hurdles in getting loans.

[Update--to give the rationale for the program, see this piece.]

[Second update--USDA's argument in court]

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