Thursday, June 10, 2010

Improving School Lunches

I've been a bit skeptical of efforts by the food movement to reform school lunches.  However, the sort of incremental improvements and changes in the food and the presentation described in this Post article make sense. Remembering the past I suspect school lunch programs never got much respect, so getting smart people involved can only improve things, even if it doesn't make major changes in our obesity problem. I have to admit I'm skeptical of how long chefs will remain involved, but I'd hope people will learn.

I wonder what are school lunches like in other countries?  I typed that, then said to myself I should do something to satisfy my curiosity.  This BBC piece from 2005 has interesting data, but what's even more interesting is the range of comments from viewers all over, not all over the UK, all over the world.  It's an incidental reminder of the scope of the British Empire and the legacy it left behind.

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