Saturday, April 18, 2020

CFAP Parameters

From Sentator Hoeven's website:
"Direct Assistance for Farmers and Ranchers 
USDA will provide $16 billion in direct payments to farmers and ranchers including:
  • $9.6 billion for the livestock industry
    • $5.1 billion for cattle
    • $2.9 billion for dairy
    • $1.6 billion for hogs
  • $3.9 billion for row crop producers
  • $2.1 billion for specialty crops producers
  • $500 million for others crops
Producers will receive a single payment determined using two calculations:
  • Price losses that occurred January 1-April 15, 2020. Producers will be compensated for 85% of price loss during that period.
  • Second part of the payment will be expected losses from April 15 through the next two quarters, and will cover 30% of expected losses.
The payment limit is $125,000 per commodity with an overall limit of $250,000 per individual or entity. Qualified commodities must have experienced a 5% price decrease between January and April. 
USDA is expediting the rule making process for the direct payment program and expects to begin sign-up for the new program in early May and to get payments out to producers by the end of May or early June. "
Sounds as if this part of the program will be FSA's hot potato.

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