Thursday, September 13, 2018

Prima Donnas: Trump and MacArthur

I don't think many people would dispute that our president is something of a prima donna.  (See the internet's definition below.)   The question is who in American history is his peer in this regard?

Have I mentioned I'm reading "World War II at Sea"?  It's quite good and comprehensive.  Of course the author has to mention Douglas MacArthur.  I'd put his ego up against Trump's any day of the week, although he had more genuine accomplishments than Trump.

The internet says a prima donna is:
"a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance.
synonyms:ego, self-important person, his nibs, temperamental person, princessdivapooh-bah;
informaldrama queen
"a city council filled with prima donnas"

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