"Since 2008, a total of more than $28 billion has been sent to farmers for policies theyThe same tactic is used by all supporters of federal expenditures on a totally nonpartisan basis. Conservatives who support a "strong defense" do it, liberals who support food stamps do it, President Obama does it, President Bush did it, Rep. Ryan does it, even fiscal hawks do it when it comes to their pet program, they all "do it", but Billie Holliday isn't singing about it.
purchased. Federal investment in crop insurance, during that same period, was reduced
by more than $12 billion."
What's "it"? Extrapolate from the past policy to establish the baseline for determining what the "cut" or "reduction" is, and fail to acknowledge automatic sources of growth. In other words, the second sentence in the quote should, if the author was intellectually honest, read something like this:
"Although changes in policy have reduced Federal investment in crop insurance, during that same period, by x billion dollars, because of increased crop prices and acreages the total Federal investment has grown by y billion dollars."
See this link for another example of spinning.