Saturday, April 02, 2005

Thinking and Acting Are Uneasy Partners

Picking up on an old story, MSNBC reported a study showing brains don't mature until the 20's so that:

"many life choices -- college and career, marriage and military service -- often are made before the brain's decision-making center comes fully online. But for young adults, 'Dying on a highway is the biggest risk out there,' Giedd said. 'What if we could predict earlier in life what could happen later?'"
This is just one instance where taking action and thinking are at odds. That's one of the problems I have with organizations like GAO and the goo-goo emphasis on process. It's called "paralysis by analysis" or "the best is the enemy of the good". Another quote from the article:

"The pattern probably serves an evolutionary purpose, he said, perhaps preparing youths to leave their families and fend for themselves, without wasting energy worrying about it.
Maybe it's also why sons compete with fathers?

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