Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Locavore and Farmers Markets

Over 200 years ago my ancestors left the York, PA area for upstate NY, a fact which leaves me with a casual interest in York, an interest sparked by a couple interesting web sites.  Here's an article, with links to more articles, on  the old York farmers markets, and the new ones.

Republicans Should Have a Little Sympathy for Government Managers

I'm just saying, the next time you see a media report about how government employees have abused their government credit card, the Republicans might take a deep breath before attacking them.

Arne Duncan as Lucy

The Secretary of Education announced the two states who won his "Race to the Top" competition for reforming education.  It strikes me that he's like Charles Schulz's Lucy, tantalizing Charlie with the football.  On the other hand, anyone who has tried to lure an animal into a place they don't really want to go by using food, knows his strategy.  Just enough to tempt, not enough to satiate.  (Come to think of it, that's what strippers do.)

Monday, March 29, 2010

What's Up with Turkmenistan?

Via Matt Yglesias, Gallup has a global survey of nations which are thriving, struggling, or suffering.  It's color-coded.  Briefly US, Canada, UK, and Scandinavia are thriving, the rest of the world not so much.  But Turkmenistan sticks out like a sore thumb in having a higher score than any country within thousands of miles of it.  What's that about?

Farm Policy Today

Farm Policy has two interesting pieces: one on the possibility of rejiggering SURE to speed up payments (either making advances or changing the data used so payments could be made earlier); the second reporting an informal survey that wheat farmers would prefer to keep crop insurance and drop direct payments if they faced a binary choice.

FSA Awards Contract for MIDAS

FSA awarded its MIDAS contract to SRA  (It's what I would consider a "Beltway Bandit"--a consulting house with no particular background in USDA.  Made about $1.5 billion in revenue last year and has about 7,000 employees.  

I hope they do better work for FSA than they do for themselves: when I searched for "USDA" on their website I got a page which was unreadable because of the dark blue background to black letters. When I copied the text, this is what I saw:

Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Too many connections in /prod/webprojects/sra-prod/includes/db.php on line 7
Connection Failed

Sunday, March 28, 2010

One Personalized Government Website?

Via Govloop, here's an article on Prime Minister Brown's plan to provide a personalised web page for every UK citizen to access all public services online in a single location.

Two points on this:
  • Does it make sense? There's definite advantages--you presumably can set up some high-quality identity checking for such a site, the user has only one ID and password process to go through, you probably get a higher usage rate because it's more convenient for the user.  On the other hand, as with any centralized process the consequences of hacking, etc. are greater.
  • What does it tell us about the differences in government and society? It's pretty clear, I think, that Brown's not just thinking of one access point to Her Majesty's websites, but to all levels of government including doctors appointments.  Presumably Brown knows what's feasible, but compare that with the U.S.  Fairfax County and Virginia both are recognized as being progressive in their implementation of IT, but there's no way you could have one access point for both county and state.  As a matter of fact, Fairfax county doesn't have a common access point for the public library and the property tax.  Now consider adding in things like passports from State, Pell grants from Ed, veteran's benefits from the VA, Social security, bonds from Treasury, employee benefits from OPM, etc. These won't have a consolidated access point for decades.  As I've said before, in the US our government is decentralized and weak, and we like it that way.

How Much Is a Hundredweight?

I watch enough British telly and movies and read enough British mysteries to know that a "stone" is 14 pounds.  But until today I didn't know a "quarter" is 2 stones. (Prices of grain in Ireland in 1848 were quoted in quarters.) And a hundredweight is four quarters, making it 112 pounds, at least in the UK. (This relates to the "long ton" and the "short ton", etc.) This site has the conversions.  One of the many things for which we must thank the Founding Fathers is their partial metrification of US measures.

Times on Local Slaughterhouses

It's official: both the Post and the Times have now written about a shortage of local slaughterhouses, particularly in Vermont.  I'm waiting for all those farmers to beat a path to Walt Jeffries' door, either to ask him to slaughter for them or to show them how to build their own.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Good News for Dairy, at Least in China

From CAP Health Check
A couple years ago, while in Taiwan, I was amazed at the impressive increase in the demand of dairy products. At the time the existing statistics revealed that the Taiwanese per-capita consumption of dairy products was something like 50 times the figure for mainland China.
I thought Asians tended to be lactose-intolerant, but apparently that's not true, or at least it doesn't prevent a big increase in dairy consumption when standards of living rise.