Saturday, March 24, 2007

Office Closing and Pandering

Another in a series, from the Aberdeen SD paper:

Sen. John Thune has introduced legislation that would stop any potential Farm Service Agency county office closures until the Secretary of Agriculture conducts a study on cost savings and/or efficiencies at the three FSA headquarters locations and all state FSA offices.

The legislation also requires that the report recommendations must be implemented at all FSA headquarters and state offices before any county FSA offices may be closed.

I've no doubt there's costs that could be saved at headquarters, but it's not a logical stand, it's pandering to the voters. (Of course, it's easy for a retired bureaucrat living in a thriving county outside of DC to mock, quite another matter for the people in the small towns who are affected, particularly those who have taken risks or invested heavily in staying in their particular town.)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Why It's Hard to Cut Offices

Read this account from the Hays (Kansas) Daily News of a meeting discussing closing a county office. If each of the 223 people at the meeting write their Representative and Senators, don't you think that Pat Roberts and Sam Brownback will respond to the concerns?

Or read this account from the Emporia Gazette.

[Note: I've set up a Google Alert for Farm Service Agency items. From that haphazard sampling, it appears that Kansans raise the most hell about closings. Maybe they're all descended from Mary Elizabeth Lease, who famously talked about raising less corn and more hell.]

To govern is to choose, but mostly humans would prefer not to.

Structure and Systems Make a Difference

An article in the NY Times today reported this:
The Long Island Index, which is financed by the Rauch Foundation, a nonprofit group, compared per capita spending in Nassau and Suffolk Counties with that in Fairfax and Loudoun Counties in northern Virginia.

While the regions have similar demographics, housing prices and population densities, Long Island has a total of 239 counties, cities, towns, villages and school districts (and another 200 special districts), compared with the two northern Virginia counties, which have 17.

The extra layers, as well as more higher personnel costs, are a big reason local governments on Long Island spent $15.5 billion in 2002, more than triple what the two counties in Virginia spent.

Long Island residents spent $5,562 per capita for public services, 45 percent more than in the two Virginia counties.

But to the surprise of the study’s authors, 88 percent of those surveyed in Fairfax and Loudoun Counties said, for example, that services provided by police officers, firefighters and teachers were good or excellent, while on Long Island the figure was 75 percent."

It's inconvenient for libertarians, who believe the smallest and most local government is the least worst government.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Pet Peeve Time, or, Why Kyle Sampson Shouldn't Have Been Hired

One of my pet peeves is people who refuse to get into the 21st century. Even though the software industry has provided PC's with hundreds and thousands of fonts, they insist on using a non-proportional typeface like pica or elite, which trace their origins to the days of the typewriter. My problem dates back to the early 70's, when research for a better word processor than the IBM MT/ST led me to looking at the early CRT's (which made characters using a 5x7 or 6x9 grid of, if I remember, pixels). In trying to find out how important such differences were (I'm very easily distracted), I read some stuff on typography. Rather arcane (serifs lead the eye from one character to another) but interesting. It made me forever dissatisfied with pica and elite. But people hate to change, so 25 years after good fonts became available, a few benighted conservatives still use pica and/or elite.

Based on the excerpts from the e-mails released by DOJ in the dispute over firing attorneys, it looks as if Kyle Sampson, the now ex-chief of staff, falls into that category.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Love Our British Bureaucratic Cousins

One of the pleasures of reading things from outside the U.S. is coming across turns of phrase. For example, I'm reading a report on the British equivalent of FSA and come across this, well buried within the bureaucratese:
"Changes have been made in the governance of RPA since this review was launched. The Ownership Board has been replaced by a Strategic Advisory Board and a separate, temporary Oversight Group established. The new arrangements are still bedding down but, with other arrangements in place in the agency itself, are aimed at clarifying responsibilities which had become blurred in the 05-06 period. [emphasis added]"
Arrangements are bedding down--love it. [I realize only a true-blue bureaucrat would get pleasure from such reading, and only a weirdo would appreciate the idiom, but that's me.]

Monday, March 19, 2007

Rules and Side Effects--Who's a Farmer

From the Farm and Ranch Guide:
Many farm management advisors and university experts have been advising farm operators to look at negotiating “flexible cash rental leases” with their landlords as an alternative to paying very high straight-out cash rental rates on rented land. This strategy seems to make a lot of sense, given the high volatility in the current grain markets, and the high degree of uncertainty relative to future crop revenues.
The article goes on to advise that such a strategy may run afoul of the FSA rules on division of payments--very briefly, if you share in the risk, you're eligible for subsidy payments. So any shift from a straight cash lease, where the operator takes all the risk, both of whether the crop will be good and what the price will be, to give some of the risk to the landowner is likely to cause problems, at least if the FSA bureaucrat is doing her job.

Notable Bureaucrats--Milton Friedman

Another in my occasional series of salutes to those bureaucrats, alive or dead, who have contributed to making this world what it is. Today we recognize Milton Friedman, the economist (and right winger) who's popularly believed to have invented income tax withholding when he served as a Treasury Department adviser during WWII. As Brad DeLong says:

"In the late 1930s he hooked up with the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Simon Kuznets and Arthur Burns, worked for the U.S. Treasury during World War II (where he was one of the designers of our current system of income-tax withholding), earned his Ph. D. from Columbia University in 1946, and finally landed on his feet at the University of Chicago.
And Ilya Somin:
Somewhat unfortunately, Friedman (at that time still a left-winger) also invented the idea of income tax withholding while working as an economist for the the Treasury Department during World War II. Although Friedman intended it to be a temporary wartime measure, it soon turned into a permanent expansion of government power - a result that the later, libertarian Friedman would surely have predicted:)
It seems Somin may give him too much credit, perhaps because the irony is so great--the great believer in free markets helping to finance government. This detailed (and very hostile) discussion of the advent of withholding only mentions Milton Friedman once, while an Elisha Friedman and Beardsley Ruml get more ink. It also turns out that withholding had been authorized for government employees in the Civil War statute, so it was not a new concept.

I'm now reading the memoirs of Milton and Rose Friedman. He says he was involved in the development of withholding for the U.S., but both the British and Germans were already doing it (i.e., collecting taxes at the source). However, they differed in whether the taxes were on current income or past, but shared the characteristic that the withholding was final. This differs from the U.S. system, which makes the final tax subject to adjustment by April 15.

Bottomline: Milton was one of the designers of the system, and as such qualifies for the notable bureaucrat honor.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Virginia Postrel Meet John Phipps

Earlier in the week I noted the John Phipps post about the new welding tools, which made it easy for him to do good welding. Then I ran across Virginia Postrel's discussion
of do-it-yourself design tools (Adobe Pagemaker, etc.). Similar messages, very different technologies.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Finished the Lawrence Levine book, Highbrow/Lowbrow, which I mentioned earlier. He carried the thesis through opera, Shakespeare, and classical music: in all cases before the Civil War the audience was composed of a mixture of classes, was boisterous and participative (22 people died in the Astor Place riot, where class, religion, and nationality came together over an issue of Shakespearean acting). After the Civil War the arts became "sacralized"--treated more solemnly and religiously, with more exclusive audiences behaving more mannerly. Levine seems to say it was the elite and the purveyors who enforced this separation. In his epilogue he argues against Allan Bloom's Closing of the American Mind, who was very much in favor of elite arts and for the idea that the arts should be more popular.

I think this is a limited interpretation. Using a different perspective, one of a growing economy with more ecological niches, after the Civil War the number of people in urban places grew, the number who had the leisure and the dollars to participate in recreational activities also grew. So I'd see more of a process of differentiation of a market. In other words, I suspect a number of different sports and recreations grew--professional baseball I know, horseracing, college sports. From Putnam's work, Bowling Alone, the number of local theater and opera groups also grew. So those people who enjoy participation, booing and cheering, found outlets. Those who liked to focus intently on a performance found their outlets.

(I write this as someone who was raised to treat "culture" with great respect so I'm obviously prejudiced. But I still think my thesis is better than Levine's, by explaining more.)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Transparency or NOt?

I remember when our IT guy in DC was working on the EWG's FOIA request for all farm program payment data. Part of the issue was whether the data was personal, and covered under the Privacy Act, or business, and not covered. (Part of the argument probably was that the data was all tied to the Social Security Number.) EWG (with I think the Washington Post) ultimately won their court case. Since that day more than 10 years ago EWG has put the data they got from ASCS/FSA/USDA on line. It's gotten a lot of use as people have become more aware of it.

Ken Cook's blog refers to this newspaper article discussing some of the results of this transparency. (The neighbors are jealous.) There are costs, to be sure, but I think transparency is warranted. As the government goes forward in implementing the Coburn/Obama bill calling for the same transparency for all funding, we need to remember what's been learned with this database.

Of course, I've never really figured out why a farmer's payment should be public when my pension amount is not.