Someone said "the price of liberty is eternal vigilance".
Maybe we should update it. Just got a message supposedly from Paypal asking for money. It's a scam, but one I've not seen before.
Blogging on bureaucracy, organizations, USDA, agriculture programs, American history, the food movement, and other interests. Often contrarian, usually optimistic, sometimes didactic, occasionally funny, rarely wrong, always a nitpicker.
Someone said "the price of liberty is eternal vigilance".
Maybe we should update it. Just got a message supposedly from Paypal asking for money. It's a scam, but one I've not seen before.
I know the musical is good but today I wrote a letter to the editor of the Post, in the course of which I looked up the lyrics of one of the songs--The Room Where It Happens. Makes me think I should see it. Is it available on Netflix?
NYTimes columnist Tufekci had a piece discussing Southwest Airlines problems in managing their airplanes and personnel. I just looked it up online on Thursday evening, finding to my surprise the Times has a featire in their comment system called NYTimes replies where she responded to some of the comment.
She puts the blame on "aging software" used to schedule pilots and crew. I'm not sure why I immediately objected to the term, but here's my thoughts:
"Aging", which I am, means to me a deterioration of abilities, your body goes, your mind goes, you go. But software, once written (and debugged) remains the same, essentially forever. It's a set of ideas, of data, of information, which may be lost or destroyed, but will always do what it was capable of doing at its origin.
Tufekci also uses the metaphor of building a structure, but using shortcuts, skimping on the foundation, etc. Saving money now but setting the stage for problems later. That's also wrong. She mentions "technical debt", which is an interesting concept, but seems to me to conflate problems.
I'd suggest the Southwest problem is a problem of "aging", but not in the sense I outlined above--deterioriation. Consider the mature individual, the completed building, the proven software--each fits its environment, fulfills its function. There's a match of thing and context. Obviously the match isn't perfect; it may be flawed, corners were cut on the building or the software, the individual ends in the wrong occupation, with the wrong spouse, etc.) As time passes, the building and the individual will deteriorate, they'll require maintenance to stay functional. But not the software, except as bugs appear.
So the term "aging" has two sides: change for the worse in the entity discussed and change in the environment in which the entity operates, impairing the match between entity and environment.
For Southwest I suspect their software dates to the airline's early days, when it was doing point-to-point flights, basically within California. It's expanded vastly over the years, getting lots of plaudits from customers. The consensus seems to be they failed to spend enough on upgrading their software. News media doesn't die into details, so we don't know whether the software ran into capacity limits, whether the system was never changed to use new technology (like generating text messages to personnel), whether the fundamental data model was flawed in light of the new environment and the impact of very bad weather, or whether all of the these factors were at work.
At the end there's a mismatch of capacity and environment. For humans the capacity declines and the environment changes. For software the capacity stays the same while the environment changes.
Under the new House rules, each bill must have a single subject. I'm wondering how they'll describe the farm bill.
The snowstorm of February 11, 1983, that is. My fiance and I had a meeting with a priest to arrange for our wedding later in the year. When we came out of St. Mathews it was impossible for us to get out to Reston, so I got a hotel room. The next morning we got a cab out to Reston. It had to drop us off about a few hundred yards from the house, so we trudged through the snow, me in my loafers IIRC.
The Politico story says that the snowstorm shut down DC, enabling Nancy Reagan to set up a family dinner with the Shultzes, over which the relatively new Secretary of State bonded with the president, and which led eventually to Reagan's opening to the Soviets.
That's what happens when the unexpected hits; the people who are confined together form bonds. Notoriously, Clinton and Monica started their bonding during the government shutdown.
Some discussion in media about conversions of office towers into residential space.
Back in the day, 1960s or so, converting warehouse loft space into residences for the arty crowd was a thing.
Before that converting urban houses to commercial uses was a thing. I remember in Greene NY in the 1940s we patronized 2 groceries, 1 hardware store, and a movie theater all converted from houses.
The book, Covered With Night, is quite good. The author uses the murder of an Indian by one or two white settlers in colonial Pennsylvania (1720s) as a way to describe and contrast the different societies and views of justice of the parties involved (various tribes, Quakers, British governor, etc.) It won the Pulitizer in 2022, deservedly.
Given the subject and approach, not to mention the prize, you'd expect it to be modern historical writing, and it is, meaning there are no heroes or villains, complexity is embraced, attention paid to women and bit players.
I recommend it. I do think it's a little one-sided, no doub because of the available source material. The author shows the colonists as sometimes trying and usually failing to understand the ways of the Indians. Fair enough. It wasn't a total failure, but... She does not try the reverse, to show how the Indians tried and failed to understand the colonists. As I say, there's likely no source material for that.
One priority, according to the new chair of House Ag, is
"Along with that, he says the committee is learning from the disaster payments that have been made outside of the farm bill baseline to be looking at how to incorporate more of that relief in a way that provides certainty for farmers and ranchers and for the lenders providing them with access to capital."
That's according to an Agmos interview. That's the way it goes--everything becomes a precedent--in this case the exercises in executive creation of programs by Trump and Biden become rationales for changing, presumably increasing, current programs.
I'd not that on the one hand Thompson wants greater oversight and audit of the Biden actions, but on the other he's willing to use them to justify program changes before he sees the results.
I think I'm starting the new year in what my wife calls a crotchety mood.
Ever since I left the farm, my experience of manual labor has been mostly at my discretion. That's key. Even when it isn't, as when we get a big snowstorm and I have to shovel out it's not too bad. I can tell myself I'm fighting the elements, along with some (not many, the softies) of my neighbors.
Gardening is a hobby with a reward of vegetables, so the work involved is just a prerequisite to a payoff.
There have been times when I really got into using my hands. The family farm was populated with my father's constructions and improvements: hen houses, brooder houses, range shelters, milk house, cow shed, equipment shed, 3 stall garage, etc. My attempts were more domestic, dining room table and chairs, light box, book shelves, etc. That was all after I bought my house and before marriage.
This last week or so has brought me back to manual work, not building anything, but repairs around the house. It's been a change from my usual winter routine of reading and TV, but enough to remind me of the satisfaction that can come when you fix something, not as well or nearly as quickly as the expert who does the work for her living, but "good enough fo,r government work", as we used to say.
Starting to see articles on problems that "vertical farming" enterprises are encountering. Basically it's energy costs, which have gone up recently. Unfortunately energy costs can be quite variable, as anyone who lived through the 1970's can attest. I'd also expect a lot of variation as society digests the conversion to renewable energy sources.
(I was dubious of vertical farming from back when it just was pie in the sky, relying on the sun for energy. In the very long range, if we get to cheap fusion energy, vertical farming may indeed become economically feasible. But that's a long way away.)