When I cross Reston Parkway on the way to and from my garden, I now use the button for pedestrian crossing. (I used to jaywalk because it was easy enough to see oncoming traffic, I was impatient, but no longer--the risk seems greater the older I get.) Particularly going to the garden there's often stopped cars in the 2 through lanes, so cars zooming up Reston and looking to make a right turn onto Glade can't see me starting to cross. They are used to not having to stop, despite the law.
As I'm walking I silently dare the bastards to run into me.
When I drive north on Reston Parkway to the library, Home Depot, or Trader Joes, I pass by Reston Town Center. There's apartment buildings on the south side of the road, with the hotel, stores and office buildings of the center on the north side. So there's a pedestrian crossing with a button. With a four-lane parkway, it takes forever for the damn pedestrians to amble across. Or at least, the light is timed so as not to hurry an eighty-year old man with bad legs.
I sit in the car, steaming.
I think this scenario can serve as a metaphor for racism.
I'll try to expand on this in the future.