When I was hired at ASCS in 1968 I became familiar with the handbook (17-AS) which had the distribution schedules for all ASCS handbooks. There was a form listing all the ASCS offices: state offices, commodity offices, and aerial photo labs, with the quantity to be sent to each. Some states wanted a skinny distribution, allowing 1 copy per county office and a few for the state; others would allow for multiple copies per county. Occasionally we have to create a schedule for new printed material, since the same schedule might be used for some related form or pamphlet. All of that got me familiar with the number of counties (actually county offices) in the states.
In addition to the preformated schedule, for some handbooks there might be one or two additional offices which wanted a copy for some reason, perhaps OIG, FCIC, or AMS. The only Congressional office down to receive any handbook was Bob Dole's office, which wanted 25-GR, the designation for the wheat and feed grain programs. The dedication to detail of the Congressman, or more likely required by him of his policy person, impressed me.
I hadn't heard of him before joining ASCS, but he was elected to the Senate the next year.