Some photos taken from by the exit of the elementary school room (cafeteria) .
[Updated: who knew that Google photos can make a panorama for you without your asking:
The original photos below]
I could have made a pan around the room but that's not something I've learned yet. I didn't notice the flags around the room at first. Counted over 30, perhaps more hidden from me in the third picture. I assume they represent the countries of origin of the students, which explains my reference in tthe title to the fears of Trump supporters.
I suppose in some sense many of the kids have a "dual loyalty". My ancestors have been in country for 134-300 years or so. Because I know where they immigrated from I've a bit more interest in Ireland/Ulster/Scotland and Germany than in other countries. I've also a bit more interest in Vietnam where I served and in China where my aunt and uncle were in the YMCA than in other countries. That interest no doubt can affect my position on issues relating to the countries, as will the much closer ties of the students in this school to their countries. But the bottomline is they're in the process of assimilating, of absorbing American culture even as the school recognies origins.
BTW, the ballot today had instructions in four languages: English, Spanish, Vietnames, and I think Chinese ideograms.