IIRC when the FBI announced they'd found Clinton emails on Weiner's PC I was doubtful it was important. Granted, as a Clinton supporter I didn't want there to be any bombshells, but I saw it as something of a parallel to my situation. With two PC's in a household, it only makes sense for materials from one to be backed up on, or copied over to, the other PC. As far as I can tell that's how it turned out.
In my mind, that would be a reasonable assumption for any investigator, meaning if staff is short and other investigations press, as with the possibility of collusion with the Russians, it was reasonable to give priority to the Russian angle. Strzok didn't know at the end of September the way Comey would handle the matter. Under normal rules the reopening of the investigation wouldn't have been announced. If and when Strzok testifies, I expect that to be his explanation.
We'll see.
Blogging on bureaucracy, organizations, USDA, agriculture programs, American history, the food movement, and other interests. Often contrarian, usually optimistic, sometimes didactic, occasionally funny, rarely wrong, always a nitpicker.
Monday, June 18, 2018
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Are We More Divided Than Ever?
There's lots of doom and gloom around these days: democracy is failing; our constitution is obsolete; drastic changes are need; the center is not holding. We can lose ourselves in pessimism.
I'm thinking back over my impressions of politics over my life:
I'm thinking back over my impressions of politics over my life:
- In the Truman administration and early Eisenhower we had all the controversy over communism and corruption, subversion, and demagoguery. In addition, we had lots of labor strife, with John L. Lewis, Walter Reuther, and Harry Bridges prominent.
- In the late Eisenhower administration through the Nixon years we had divisions over civil rights. Killings and demonstrations, "massive resistance", axe handles, ugly hatred and the threat of race war. We had "Impeach Earl Warren".
- In LBJ and Nixon we had Vietnam, with the Weather Underground and radical terrorists bombing buildings.
- We also had Watergate, which some any saw as a coup. And we had Roe v Wade and the associated controversy over abortion.
I'd say two things are different these days: a loss of confidence in institutions, and Trump's absolute domination of the news. I doubt there's any day since summer of 2016 in which the name of Trump doesn't appear on the front page of either the Post or the Times. IMHO we have to get past the Trump administration before we can begin to understand this time. (Similarly, we couldn't understand Nixon in 1972 and 73.)
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Sometimes You Can't Win: Bureaucracy
Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution each day has a page of links. On Wednesday he had two of interest:
1. Has delegation in American government become much worse?
3. What made ARPA work well?
If you don't click, you'd think the answer to 1 is Congress is delegating a lot more to the executive and that is bad. When you click on 3, you find part of the answer is lots of authority was delegated to ARPA.
1. Has delegation in American government become much worse?
3. What made ARPA work well?
If you don't click, you'd think the answer to 1 is Congress is delegating a lot more to the executive and that is bad. When you click on 3, you find part of the answer is lots of authority was delegated to ARPA.
Friday, June 15, 2018
The Bureaucrat and Politics: Reagan and Me
The DOJ IG report is out. Pro-Trump partisans see it as helping him; anti-Trump partisans see it as confirming Clinton lost the election due to Comey's announcements. Both seem to agree that the Strzok-Page emails were beyond the pale, particularly his reassurance to Page that "we'll stop him" meaning stopping Trump from winning the election. The only evidence he did anything to back up the promise is the idea he didn't work on the Weiner emails issue for a month because he was working on the Russian-collusion investigation. At least in the discussions I've read there's little detail on this.
In defense of bureaucrats being able to separate personal opinions and professional duties I'll offer a story from the Reagan administration. I was strongly opposed to Reagan's election, and remained so throughout his 2 terms. I was in the habit of referring to him as "the senior idiot", and a boss of mine as "the junior idiot". Although I don't remember saying that to my co-workers, I'm sure most of them knew I wasn't for him. In ASCS at the time, at least in the program areas one was pretty well identified as Democrat or Republican. While I steered away from active involvement and wasn't then contributing money, the players within the bureaucracy knew my tendencies.
Anyway, comes fall of 1982 and the Reagan administration decides to implement a legally-questionable multi-billion dollar program to both reduce CCC-owned surpluses and crop acreages without budget expenditures--the program known as Payment-in-Kind. Because of my background on the administrative side I knew the people who needed to be involved to create the forms and handle the directives and regulations to implement the program. Because of my experience on the program side I understood most of the complexities of creating the program, writing the regulations and the contract (the contract the OGC lawyers insisted on to provide a legal fig-leaf for the program), and dealing with Kansas City IT players, I was a key player in the implementation (Had a chance to watch Seeley Lodwick, then the Under Secretary ramrod morning coordination meetings, giving me an example of what to do, an example I dearly wish Obama had seen when implementing ACA.).
The bottom line: I and a lot of other bureaucrats did a good job and PIK was implemented. We did it despite our political leanings, whether pro- or con- Reagan.
I've written before on this question: Trump trusts people working for him to be good soldiers, if not lickspittles, and support his positions even if they're very different than what the workers used to support. (See Mulvaney, see Bolton.) The same should apply to FBI agents.
Addendum: I admit there's a difference between the FBI behavior I've seen described from articles on the OIG report and mine. Some of the agents were more open in expressing their opinions to each other than I ever remember being. That's a bit bothersome. On the other hand, I'm sure many soldiers and marines involved in our years of recent wars openly voiced their adverse opinions, while still doing their jobs.
In defense of bureaucrats being able to separate personal opinions and professional duties I'll offer a story from the Reagan administration. I was strongly opposed to Reagan's election, and remained so throughout his 2 terms. I was in the habit of referring to him as "the senior idiot", and a boss of mine as "the junior idiot". Although I don't remember saying that to my co-workers, I'm sure most of them knew I wasn't for him. In ASCS at the time, at least in the program areas one was pretty well identified as Democrat or Republican. While I steered away from active involvement and wasn't then contributing money, the players within the bureaucracy knew my tendencies.
Anyway, comes fall of 1982 and the Reagan administration decides to implement a legally-questionable multi-billion dollar program to both reduce CCC-owned surpluses and crop acreages without budget expenditures--the program known as Payment-in-Kind. Because of my background on the administrative side I knew the people who needed to be involved to create the forms and handle the directives and regulations to implement the program. Because of my experience on the program side I understood most of the complexities of creating the program, writing the regulations and the contract (the contract the OGC lawyers insisted on to provide a legal fig-leaf for the program), and dealing with Kansas City IT players, I was a key player in the implementation (Had a chance to watch Seeley Lodwick, then the Under Secretary ramrod morning coordination meetings, giving me an example of what to do, an example I dearly wish Obama had seen when implementing ACA.).
The bottom line: I and a lot of other bureaucrats did a good job and PIK was implemented. We did it despite our political leanings, whether pro- or con- Reagan.
I've written before on this question: Trump trusts people working for him to be good soldiers, if not lickspittles, and support his positions even if they're very different than what the workers used to support. (See Mulvaney, see Bolton.) The same should apply to FBI agents.
Addendum: I admit there's a difference between the FBI behavior I've seen described from articles on the OIG report and mine. Some of the agents were more open in expressing their opinions to each other than I ever remember being. That's a bit bothersome. On the other hand, I'm sure many soldiers and marines involved in our years of recent wars openly voiced their adverse opinions, while still doing their jobs.
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Trump as Quintessentially American
Trump has gained attention for his noting to KJU the potential of NK beaches. While there's derision, it strikes me as quintessentially American. Perhaps my opinion is swayed by my exposure to the "frontier thesis" of Frederick Jackson Turner which pointed to the impact of "free land" on the development of American society and culture.
Pointing out the parallel--Americans historically have found opportunity existing in new frontiers, first in land, later in new areas of endeavor. So it's typically American for Trump to see development opportunities in an area which might become newly available to entrepreneurs.
Pointing out the parallel--Americans historically have found opportunity existing in new frontiers, first in land, later in new areas of endeavor. So it's typically American for Trump to see development opportunities in an area which might become newly available to entrepreneurs.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Farm Bill In the Senate
DTN reports on the progress of the Senate's version of the farm bill. And from there you get this:
Censky also said that the Trump administration is continuing the modernization of technology at USDA and that officials hope that all the programs in the 2018 farm bill will be available online.
Farmers will still need to go to county Farm Service Agency offices to sign some papers, but Censky said he hopes farmers will be able to deal with applications and other forms online from home before going to the office. Farmers uncomfortable using a computer will still be able to go to the county office to fill out paperwork, he said.I note there's a provision requiring use of the same county yields, requiring reconciliation of NASS and crop insurance figures.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
North Korea and the US
If I consider Pres. Kim to be rational, this is what I imagine his ultimate goals/wishes would be, in no particular priority:
- security guarantees from the US
- nuclear weapons and missiles
- peaceful unification of the peninsula under his leadership, being an autocracy like China's Xi
- economic aid from South Korea and where ever.
For the US, our goals would be:
- no nukes or missiles
- no unification or unification under the South's system
- no proliferation or transfer of nuclear or missile technologies.
I suspect the minimax solution, assuming both sides are rational is trading NK aid and security for verified agreements on nonproliferation, and kicking the unification question down the road.
It's possible that Trump's clownish antics will provide enough cover and distraction for the US to give up its, and his, proclaimed goals denuclearization.
Monday, June 11, 2018
Trump Records Management II
Some more thoughts on the Politico piece describing how Trump tears up documents when he's through with them, requiring employees to tape these official records back together. (See yesterday's post.)
- Who knew our President actually handled any documents--the impression the media gives is he operates in meetings and by tweets? That's an exaggeration, of course.
- Presumably these are briefing papers, not decision memos.
- Ann Althouse commented this morning, making one valid point: Scotch tape isn't the right choice for archival materials (which anything seen by POTUS likely would be). Can't say much for the rest of her post.
- The employees who spoke to the reporter were likely GS-11 or below in pay grade. Perhaps they're in the same category as Clinton's Filegate employees--people who usually carry on from one adminstration to the next, but who aren't permanent civil service so don't have the usual job protections.
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Records Management in the Trump White House
This is--I lack the words.
The management of official records is a serious business, but one can only laugh.
The management of official records is a serious business, but one can only laugh.
Import Brains (Continued)
Via Marginal Revolution an article on the amazing success of Nigerian-Americans.
Some points which occur to me:
Some points which occur to me:
- importing immigrants who succeed is good foreign aid--they tend to return to the country of origin and/or send remittances.
- I wonder what happens to the children. There's research, mostly I think on Hispanic immigrants, which show the children as losing the advantages of immigrants and gain the disadvantages of American children (obesity, crime, etc.)
- such success is complicating the task of American racism in finding support for their stereotypes.
- I write all this despite having had negative feelings towards African/Caribbean immigrants in FSA some 25 years ago--there were a couple with whom I had some interactions. It was easy to doubt their ability to contribute when they had no background in US agriculture (though looking back on it I suspect I was being unfair.)
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