Friday, February 25, 2011

What I Don't Understand About Crop Insurance

This quote:
For quite a few years, GRIP has had a good grip on many farmers.  It is a crop insurance policy that is easy to deal with, and it usually pays, despite how good of a crop you had.  GRIP is the Group Risk Income Policy that is based on county averages, and if calculated revenue was below the projection at the early part of the year, GRIP policy holders would get an indemnity check.
What I don't understand--how can an insurance company make a profit on a policy which "usually pays off".  

Google Goes After Farming

Just what farmers need, the world's biggest search engine going against them.  (Turns out it's something called "content farms", I've tried wikipedia but I can't figure out whether "content" is a field crop, fruit or veggie, or some kind of livestock.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's Called Catch-22

If you insist on time to read about the issue on which you're voting, you get bad press. If you vote without having time to read all the pages, you get bad press (as when the Dems last year were criticized for voting on healthcare reform without reading the bill.)

The Sound of Bloggers

That is, chewing the cud, which fits someone who grew up on a dairy farm.

Confounding Stereotypes

At the back of our minds, I suspect many liberals believe some of the opposition to President Obama is based on race.  That's why this Nate Silver post this morning is surprising.  It seems when you compare his 2008 vote percentages by state with 2010 poll percentages by state Obama has gained in the deep South and has lost less in the Plains states.  In other words, the nation is less divided in their opinions of him.  Presumably he's surprised some (a few) in those states by outperforming their expectations, which were low, and disappointed his most fervent supporters by being more centrist and less the prophet of change.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sectional Politics and Partisan Politics

A reminder: not all politics is national and partisan, or local.  Some is sectional, as this quote from Farm Policy shows:
U.S. agriculture — and particularly southern agriculture — faces perhaps the most daunting challenge in decades to get its message before Congress and the administration, says Chip Morgan, executive vice president of the Delta Council at Stoneville, Miss.
“With the crafting of the 2012 farm bill in the hands of predominantly non-southern House and Senate Agriculture Committee members, many of them brand new to Congress, ‘our challenge is to make a concentrated effort to educate the new members about the importance of agriculture and to emphasize to them that one policy may not fit all segments of agriculture,’ he said at the annual meeting of the Mississippi Rice Council at Cleveland, Miss.”
 Southern ag doesn't believe as strongly in crop insurance, and dislikes much more strongly payment limitations.  My generalization, for what it's worth: southern crops like rice and cotton are higher in value per acre, and southern agriculture still feels the effects of the way the land was originally settled.  Used to be AAA/ASCS had an administrator from corn/hog country and an associate administrator from cotton/rice country, or vice versa.  Both sides had to be represented.

On the Universality of Murphy's Law

Tom Ricks quotes from another blogger, applying Murphy's Law to determine which person in a company will make first contact with the enemy.

On Globalization

Two straws in the wind:
John Kelly is a local columnist for the Washington Post.  His wife is now working in the Netherlands, so he's writing about the problems of having a bi-continental marriage, and attracting correspondence from others who have to deal with the same problems. His daughter is also college-hunting, including UK universities.

Apparently people from 47 countries have ordered pizza from Madison WI pizzerias to feed the demonstrators.
Remembering back to the post WWII era, I'm amazed.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Unions and Public Employees: Federal Versus Wisconsin

I follow Kevin Drum in my general attitude to unions: they're a necessary part of the republic, but they have their problems like other parts of the republic.  I was in management when ASCS employees in DC voted in a union. Managers got some orientation on how to deal with the union.  The bottom line seemed to be: do what you should have been doing all along.  That is, document poor performance, consult with employees on what you're doing, etc.

Of course, federal employees can't use unions to bargain over pay.  I've forgotten most of what I once knew about the laws and regulations.  It seems, though, Wisconsin employee unions could bargain over wages. So in one sense, what Gov. Walker is working for is to make those unions as powerless as federal unions, not that that's very obvious from the discussion.  The big difference I can see is the requirement about voting for the union every year.  That's really critical.  I suspect the reality of unions, as for other institutions, is many members lose enthusiasm after time.  So inertia takes over.  People go with what's easiest.

Monday, February 21, 2011

CSpan Program

Frank Sesnos hosted a program at GWU with Ari Fleischer, Dana Perino, Mike McCurry, and Dee Dee Myers which is here. I recommend it: lively, friendly, informative, idealistic.  (All four said things will be better in the future.)  Perino noted no one is delivering the NYTimes to her grandfather's ranch in Wyoming, but now he can get it online.  I guess he, unlike some other residents of rural areas, has broadband access.  But that's nitpicking--the program was a good way to decompress from a day where my sacred routine was disrupted. Perino said, and the others agreed, Washington is not as partisan a town as it comes across in the media.